Ethiopian Public Administration Association (EPAA)

EPAA is an independent not-for-profit professional association dedicated to professionalizing Ethiopian Public Administration. It is founded on 29th  September 2016, after over five decades of Public Administration teaching in Ethiopia, with support of Ambo University and KU Leuven Academic Cooperation to development TEAM project, funded by VLIRUOS (Belgium), in collaboration with Addis University, in Eshetu Chole Hall, with 11 EPAA founding   delegates from Ethiopian regions and two city administration. It was officially launched on 8th of February 2018 at Addis Ababa University in Eshetu Chole Hall. At the launching conference, the first Public Administration graduate (from Addis Ababa University), Ethiopian Public Administration scholars (from different universities) and practitioners were present.


EPAA envisions to be  the best platform for research and dialogue to professionalize Ethiopian Public Administration.  


EPAA is determined to serve its members and the Ethiopian society through strengthening research, training and consultancy services. It also provides performance quality award in Public Administration for individuals and institutions and disseminates relevant knowledge by stimulating dialogue between and among stakeholders in an innovative and professional manner. 


EPAA is established to professionalizing the Ethiopian Public Administration for sustainable development.

Objectives of EPAA

  • To improve the science and art of public administration;
  • To support professional dialogues between researchers, practitioners and politicians;
  • To conduct research on public administration, public  policy and disseminate relevant knowledge;
  • To promote merit principle in public and non-for-profit sectors; and
  • To facilitate performance quality award for public and non-for-profit sectors

Major activities

•             Recruiting members

•             Organizing conference

•             Conducting research and publication

•             Facilitating debate and dialogue

•             Enhancing partnership and networking

•             Bestow performance quality award on best performing individuals and institutions

 EPAA Values

  1. Transparency and responsiveness to its members and stakeholders.
  2. Upholding professional integrity in its services to members and stakeholders.
  3. Maintaining downward accountability (to its members) and horizontal accountability (to its partners).
  4. Accepting and encouraging non-discriminatory practices
  5. Promotes interactive type participation
  6. Commitment to work with government, non-for-for profit and private sector and the general community
Ethiopian Public Administration Association © 2023 Developed by Akale Regassa